Celebrating 25 years!

2020 marks 25 years of service to our clients and community. We started out on October 1, 1995 as Robin L. Gulde, CPA at 108th and Stark after leaving another partnership.

In 1997, after Lisa Ortquist received her CPA certificate, she became a 50% partner and the firm became Gulde & Ortquist, PC for the next 20 years.

In 2016, when Robin Gulde entered partial retirement, Lisa became 100% owner thanks to the support and expertise of her two CPA counterparts, Catherine Weissert and Karen Carter.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients that have been by our side since the beginning, those that have just recently joined us, and all others in between. We have had the great pleasure of being your CPA, witnessing your business growth, watching your children grow up, and providing guidance through all the phases of your life.

Thank you for the trust you have placed in us through the years. You truly are why we love our work. And giving back makes us happy.

Help us commemorate 25 years serving our clients and community by giving to our B1G1 Anniversary Campaign.