Covid-19 Procedures

COVID-19 Message

We know for many of you, this year has been a struggle, if not financially, then emotionally. And if not you, then someone you love.

Know that our thoughts and concerns are with you. We want nothing more than to do our part in keeping you, as well as our team, safe this tax season.

If you usually meet with your CPA, you have been assigned a Drop-Off Date this year rather than an appointment. You can submit your tax information by uploading to our portal, via mail, through our mail slot or with a quick knock on the door. In your tax organizer, make sure to verify all your personal information and complete the checklists.

You also MUST include your signed engagement letter. We won’t be able to begin your return without the checklists and engagement letter. Include any notes or questions and we will be sure to get you an answer.

If you feel you still need a phone appointment, please call the office and Mary will be happy to schedule one.

COVID-19 Procedures

  1. MUST!! (Cannot start returns without):
    1. Return signed Engagement Letter (either now or with tax documents)
  2. Tax Document Submittal Options (Doors locked to public)
    1. Upload to portal
    2. Knock on door and hand packet to Mary
    3. Mail Packet. (We will send you an e-mail upon receipt.)
    4. Drop off documents through our mail slot.
    5. No in-person meetings permitted for the safety of all.
  3. Delivery of Completed Package Options:
    1. Pay over phone and we will mail packet.
    2. Schedule pickup time. Pay over phone or on arrival.